Gentle parenting: Discipline

Child, Parenting

Gentle parenting, also known as positive discipline, offers a different approach to dealing with discipline when children are misbehaving. Discipline focuses on fostering cooperation and respect and has longer term results rather than relying on punishment that has only monetary solution.

Here are some key points about gentle discipline:

Focus on Teaching, Not Punishment:

It’s natural for children to explore, and sometimes this exploration leads to behaviors. Remember, they’re trying to understand the world around them and what’s expected.  By focusing on teaching rather than punishing, we can guide this exploration in a positive way.

Instead of yelling or spanking, explain why a behavior is wrong and offer alternatives.

Situation: Your child is throwing toys across the room.

Gentle Discipline: “Whoa! Throwing toys can hurt someone. Let’s find a safe way to play with them. How about we build a tower with these blocks instead?”

Help your child understand the natural consequences of their actions Gentle Discipline: Throwing a toy might mean it gets put away as a natural consequence of their action 

Set Clear Expectations and Boundaries:

Structure is key for children’s development. Clear boundaries provide a safe space for exploration, and well-defined expectations help them understand what’s acceptable. Most importantly, consistency in enforcing these expectations and boundaries is what truly guides their behavior.

Establish age-appropriate rules and routines for your child.

For example, toddlers routines: Establish regular times for waking up, healthy meals, naps, and bedtime. Focus on safety and basic expectations. “No throwing toys,” “Hold onto my hand when crossing the street,” Repeat expectations consistently and use positive reinforcement for good behavior.

Validate Feelings:

Create a safe space for your child’s feelings and emotions. While tears may seem overwhelming, remember they’re a natural way for them to express what’s going on inside them. By acknowledging their emotions with empathy, we can help them navigate difficult moments and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

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Acknowledge your child’s emotions, even negative ones. See some examples:

“You seem frustrated. Is there something you’d like to talk about?”

“I see you’re sad. Building that tower can be tricky, would you like me to help?”

“I see you’re throwing your toys because you’re angry. Throwing can hurt someone. Can we find another way to show your anger?”

Help them learn to express their feelings in healthy ways – exercise, communication, walk, art, breathing, meditation, etc. 

Positive Reinforcement:

Catch them being good! Don’t wait for grand gestures.

Look for everyday moments to praise “I see you shared your toys with your friend! That was very kind.”

Use specific praise:  Highlight the specific behavior you want to encourage. “Wow, you listened the first time I asked! Thank you for being such a good listener.”

Talk to your child in a calm and respectful tone.

Gentle Discipline Techniques:

Here are some specific strategies for gentle discipline:

  • Time-in: Offer a quiet space for your child to calm down instead of using a time-out.
  • Redirection: Distract your child from unwanted behavior and offer an alternative activity.
  • Problem-Solving: Work together with your child to find solutions to challenges.
  • Empathy Talks: Help them understand how their actions affect others.


Gentle discipline is a journey, not a destination. It takes time, patience, and consistency. 

Be kind to yourself! There will be setbacks, but every interaction is a learning opportunity.

Celebrate your successes, both yours and your child’s.

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