Love Language for Kids 

Lifestyle, Parenting

Did you know, there’s a language of love? It’s not something spoken out loud like English or Mandarin, but rather something that comes from the heart. Much like adults, children too can benefit greatly when they learn to use ‘love language for kids’ as their primary form of communication. An inclusive understanding of this concept focused on young kids can be beneficial for everyone involved – from parents and grandparents to teachers and classmates. In this blog post, we will explore what is meant by ‘love language’ for kids and why it should become an integral part of everyday life in homes and educational settings alike!

Love Language for kids

Helpful books:

1. Words of Affirmation

Children who have Words of Affirmation as their love language need to hear encouraging and positive things from their parents. Simple statements such as “I am so proud of you” or “You did a great job” can go a long way to show your child love. You can also write notes for your child and leave them on their desk or in their lunch bag, as a way of showing encouragement and support.

Some words of affirmation inspiration: 

“I love the drawing you made, tell me about it”

“That’s a great question”

“I believe in you, you should try it”

2. Quality Time

Quality time is another love language for kids. Children who have this love language want you to spend time with them, doing activities that they enjoy. Turn off your phone and spend quality time with your child playing board games, baking a cake, or going for a nature walk. During this time, make sure you are fully engaged with your child and showing that you are interested in what they are doing.

Some ideas for quality time:

Make plans with your child – plan a trip or create weekly family menu

Cook together – how about try new recipes or make old fashioned chocolate chip cookies

Let your children pick a game they like 

3. Physical Touch

Physical touch is another love language for children. Children who have this love language need physical affection such as hugs, holding hands, and high fives. They need to feel the warmth of their parent’s love through physical touch. It’s important to note that some children may not be comfortable with physical touch, so make sure to listen to your child and respect their boundaries.

Tips for this language

  • Never let go first of a hug because you don’t know how long your child needs
  • Show appreciation with touch and kiss
  • Good night kisses are the best!

4. Acts of Service

Children who have Acts of Service as their love language feel loved when their parents do things for them. Examples include helping with homework, cooking their favorite meal, or doing a chore they hate doing. These acts show them that you care about them and are willing to put time and effort into making their day better.

Some ideas

  • Cook their favorite food
  • Fix their favorite toy
  • Clean their room for them

5. Gifts

Gifts are another love language that children may have. Children who appreciate receiving gifts are thrilled by the thought and effort that goes into picking out a special item just for them. It doesn’t have to be an expensive gift, just something meaningful and thoughtful.

Gift ideas for kids

  • In the store allow them randomly pick an item with a budget of few dollars
  • When you travel surprise them with a gift that you thought of them
  • Write a note in their lunchbox 


It’s important to remember that every child is different and may have a combination of these love languages. As parents, we need to understand and cater to our children’s individual needs and preferences when it comes to showing love and affection. By learning about the different love languages for children, we can tailor our approach to show our children that they are loved, appreciated, and valued. When we understand our child’s love language, we can strengthen our connection with them and nurture a loving and supportive relationship.

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