Educational toys for 2-year-olds can help them learn and develop in a fun and engaging way. When choosing educational toys for this age group, it is important to look for toys that are safe, durable, and appropriate for their developmental level. Toys that encourage exploration, problem-solving, and creativity are ideal. Here are some of the
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Summer is here! Kids love having unstructured free time during the warm months, but boredom is a common complaint. I get it, my house is the same. Although boredom can be beneficial for kids, it’s always nice to have some screen-free game suggestions up our sleeves to reduce the whining. Check out this list of
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You probably remember playing board games as a kid–and probably as an adult, too! Maybe it was something you did often, or maybe only after a holiday dinner or at a sleepover. These days, they might seem antiquated among the likes of video games, tv shows, and tablet screens. However, there are so many more
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